Configuration options

The PLOTLY_DASH settings variable is used for configuring django-plotly-dash. Default values are shown below.


    # Route used for the message pipe websocket connection
    "ws_route" :   "dpd/ws/channel",

    # Route used for direct http insertion of pipe messages
    "http_route" : "dpd/views",

    # Flag controlling existince of http poke endpoint
    "http_poke_enabled" : True,

    # Insert data for the demo when migrating
    "insert_demo_migrations" : False,

    # Timeout for caching of initial arguments in seconds
    "cache_timeout_initial_arguments": 60,

    # Name of view wrapping function
    "view_decorator": None,

    # Flag to control location of initial argument storage
    "cache_arguments": True,

    # Flag controlling local serving of assets
    "serve_locally": False,

Defaults are inserted for missing values. It is also permissible to not have any PLOTLY_DASH entry in the Django settings file.

The Django staticfiles infrastructure is used to serve all local static files for the Dash apps. This requires adding a setting for the specification of additional static file finders

# Staticfiles finders for locating dash app assets and related files




and also providing a list of components used

# Plotly components containing static content that should
# be handled by the Django staticfiles infrastructure


    # Common components (ie within dash itself) are automatically added

    # django-plotly-dash components
    # static support if serving local assets

    # Other components, as needed

This list should be extended with any additional components that the applications use, where the components have files that have to be served locally. The components that are part of the core dash package are automatically included and do not need to be provided in this list.

Furthermore, middleware should be added for redirection of external assets from underlying packages, such as dash-bootstrap-components. With the standard Django middleware, along with whitenoise, the entry within the file will look something like

# Standard Django middleware with the addition of both
# whitenoise and django_plotly_dash items







Individual apps can set their serve_locally flag. However, it is recommended to use the equivalent global PLOTLY_DASH setting to provide a common approach for all static assets. See Local assets for more information on how local assets are configured and served as part of the standard Django staticfiles approach, along with details on the integration of other components and some known issues.


The websocket and direct http message endpoints are separately configurable. The configuration options exist to satisfy two requirements

  • Isolate paths that require serving with ASGI. This allows the asynchronous routes - essentially the websocket connections and any other ones from the rest of the application - to be served using daphne or similar, and the bulk of the (synchronous) routes to be served using a WSGI server such as gunicorn.
  • Isolate direct http posting of messages to restrict their use. The motivation behind this http endpoint is to provide a private service that allows other parts of the overall application to send notifications to Dash applications, rather than expose this functionality as part of the public API.

A reverse proxy front end, such as nginx, can route appropriately according to URL.

View decoration

Each view delegated through to plotly_dash can be wrapped using a view decoration function. This enables access to be restricted to logged-in users, or using a desired conditions based on the user and session state.

To restrict all access to logged-in users, use the login_required wrapper:


    # Name of view wrapping function
    "view_decorator": "django_plotly_dash.access.login_required",

More information can be found in the view decoration section.

Initial arguments

Initial arguments are stored within the server between the specification of an app in a template tag and the invocation of the view functions for the app. This storage is transient and can be efficiently performed using Django’s caching framework. In some situations, however, a suitably configured cache is not available. For this use case, setting the cache_arguments flag to False will cause initial arguments to be placed inside the Django session.